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Forum>MacTechNews>weshalb heisst es welcome und nicht wellcome?

weshalb heisst es welcome und nicht wellcome?

kann mir irgend eine koryphäe eine sinnvolle erklärung liefern?
„Glaube nicht alles, was im Internet geschrieben wird, bloss weil da ein Name und ein Zitat stehen (Abraham Lincoln)“



You Know You're From Hong Kong When...
You can't tell the difference between "Welcome" and "Wellcome.":-y

From Bobbi Emel:

I've been wondering about the phrase you're welcome.  What is the origin of this and why do we use it after someone says thank you?

The phrase you're welcome, as a response to thank you, dates only from the early part of the 20th century.  The first record of it is in W. W. Jacobs' Short Cruises: "'Thank you,’ said the girl, with a pleasant smile. ‘You’re quite welcome,’ said the skipper."  This usage popped up so late because welcome meant "well come" (i.e., one's arrival was pleasing) prior to that time, and that was broadened to include such meanings as "pleasing" or "acceptable".  That group of meanings, however, arose in Middle English due to the influence of Old French bien venu, "welcome" (literally, "well come").  In Old English, welcome, which had the form wilcuma, meant "one whose coming is pleasing" or applied to someone who was "acceptable as a visitor".
-  It was formed from wil- or will- "will, desire" and cuma "comer, guest".

The sense in you're welcome is one of "it was pleasing to me to do" whatever it was that you were thanked for.


danke dir... mtn...da weiss man was man hat...:-)
„Glaube nicht alles, was im Internet geschrieben wird, bloss weil da ein Name und ein Zitat stehen (Abraham Lincoln)“

thanks for the laurels

Don Quijote23.04.0523:20
mhhh, heisst ja Willkommen und nicht Gut kommen… von Well = gut und come = kommen, become ist wieder etwas anderes.


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