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Forum>Software>Konflikt Safari 4 mit Videobox

Konflikt Safari 4 mit Videobox

Ich nutze Videobox von Tastyapps, um Flashfilme zu downloaden. Seit Safari 4 gibt es einen Konflikt mit dem dazugehörigen Plugin. Erst nachdem ich dieses per Hand gelöscht habe, konnte ich Safari 4 starten. Es läuft nun auch ohne Probleme. Jedoch kann ich jetzt Videobox nicht mehr starten, also nicht mehr nutzen. Unter der Webseite von Tastyapps gibt´s noch keinen Hinweis, hoffe die beheben das Problem. Hat jemand etwas ähnliches beobachtet?


ja - werde gerade wahnsinnig darüber. dabei hatte ich videobox nur als dmg rumliegen und nicht mal installiert. in einem anderen forum hatte ich gelesen, man solle videobox auf die neueste version aktualisieren. nur dass dieses gleich mit der meldung startet meine trial period sei abgelaufen (nach 3 minuten...)wie hast du denn das pluginn von hand gelöscht?
das würde mir schonmal weiterhelfen, weil ich videobox gar nicht nutze....
mein haus, mein boot, mein pferd.... iMac 5k 12/2015, ipadPro+Pencil, mbAir 11" 2012, mbp 17" unibody 2011, mbp 17" 2006, mb weiss, mb Air...“
bei getsatisfaction.com wird es gelöst...
mein haus, mein boot, mein pferd.... iMac 5k 12/2015, ipadPro+Pencil, mbAir 11" 2012, mbp 17" unibody 2011, mbp 17" 2006, mb weiss, mb Air...“
Einen Tag nach dem Release von Safari 4, habe ich eine Antwort vom Support bekommen. Damit läuft alles wieder:

Sorry about all this mess. Bad timing on our part. We released Videobox ver. 2.8.4 (Safari 4 beta compatible) Monday June 8th and that afternoon Apple released Safari 4 (non beta) which broke Videobox.

We've just released the fix (as of 7pm ETD June 8, 2009)- its still called version 2.8.4 - so the solution is to download the latest Videobox ver. 2.8.4 from our website www.tastyapps.com and make sure you launch it at least one time from your Dock to ensure the correct Safari 4 plugin gets installed.

To manually remove the plugin to get Safari working so you can download updated version of Videobox 2.8.4:

1) Quit Safari and Videobox.
2) In the Finder, hit Command-Shift-G and type-in ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins
3) In the folder that opens-up, there should be a TastyAppsAVPlugin.bundle file; please move it to the trash.

If you haven't beem using VideoBox 2.8.x it has a few changes you should be aware off (our on-line demo has not caught up with it yet.) Here is a summary of Videobox 2.8.x:

Things have changed quite a bit in v2.8.0... There is now a more complete integration with Safari - you can now have a Videobox button in Safari and view and convert your videos directly in the browser. We tried to preserve the old ways for our existing users as much as possible but the automatic launch does't exist anymore. So:

1) I first want to show you the in-browser queue; so in Safari, go in the "Window" menu - you should have a "Videobox queue" item... If you select it, you should see a window that lists (or will list) your videos as you browse the internet. Note that you can also add a button to the toolbar by selecting "View > Customize Toolbar..." and adding the Videobox button to your toolbar.

2) Now, back in the main Videobox application, if you pull-up the Preferences screen, you'll notice a "Add new items to queue only if queue window visible in browser" setting.. .this is the magic stuff. In theory, because you are a user of previous versions of Videobox, this should be unchecked... This means that Videobox works pretty much the old way (minus the automatically launch Videobox setting) So in this mode, as you browse the internet, your videos are added to the queue *always*. If you launch Videobox, you should see them in the queue. Same if you open the in-browser queue window (like we did in #1) If Videobox is launched, you should also get the numbered badge in the dock, as videos are added to the queue.

But if you *check* that "Add new items..." setting, you fall into the new mode, which is meant to try and reduce the amount of clutter in the queue. In that mode, videos are added to your queue *only* if the in-browser queue window is visible. So in that mode, you are surfing the net, maybe view 5 pages with videos on them, but only are interested in the video you see on the current (5th) page... In the old days, you would have 5 videos in your queue and you only want the last one. In the new mode, you'd click the button in the browser on that 5th page, the one with the video that interests you, and voila - that would be the *only* video in the queue! Less clutter. Now if you leave the in-browser window opened as you surf, videos will be added to it - until you close that queue window. Note that in that new mode, there will be no badge in the dock icon - in fact, you don't even need to launch Videobox anymore.

TastyApps Customer Support Team


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