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Forum>Software>OmniWeb 5.5 SP10 verfügbar

OmniWeb 5.5 SP10 verfügbar



Bitte einen Link zum Download posten.
Cool, danke.
Ähm, ich benötige ein Passwort um das DMG zu mounten? Wo finde ich das denn?
Auf der Downloadseite steht oben ganz genau, was du tun musst, im Forum anmelden und so.

Hier der Text vorab:

Download Instructions and Release Notes durchlesen:

Sneaky Peek Downloads and Release Notes
Hey Everyone,

A few things to know about OmniWeb Sneaky Peeks.
OmniWeb 5.5 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
OmniWeb 5.5 uses a newer version of WebKit than is installed on Mac OS X 10.4.6 and used by applications such as Mail and Safari. As such you will see bugs that don't exist in Safari, but you may also notice new features and bugs that have been fixed when compared with the system WebKit framework.
OmniWeb is using a modified version of WebKit based off of revision 13295. You can download a nightly build of WebKit.app based on a similar version of WebKit from WebKit Nightlies. There isn't a WebKit Nightly directly corresponding with this revision however. We recommend testing against Revision 13302.
You can use this nightly build of WebKit.app to help determine if a bug you are seeing is a problem only in OmniWeb or if the issue is actually in the underlying WebKit technology. Please note this in your bug reports!
Things are still very much in flux with OmniWeb 5.5 and we make no guarantees that existing features or behavior will not change or go away completely before the final release. Likewise, bugs or unimplemented features listed here do not necessarily indicate that we will end up implementing a particular feature or fixing a particular bug.

Now to download the latest release please visit This Page

Until further notice the DMG password for sneaky peeks will be: bring your own support

OmniWeb 5.5 Sneaky Peek 9 Release Notes
Fixed A crash that could occur when accessing the keychain.
OmniWeb will now update it's status as soon as possible rather than waiting for the server to be contacted.

OmniWeb 5.5 Sneaky Peek 8 Release notes
The construction banner no longer prevents double-clicking on the title bar from minimizing the window.
Fixed reproducible crasher when OWOpenNewFramesInTabs is enabled
Fix bug preventing us from adding search shortcuts for IMDB, Google
Fixed several instances of extra pages being added to the back button during redirections, however there is still a problem on a couple sites (notably www.travellersworld.co.uk)
This involved integrating the changes from Apple Revisions 13441, 13446, 13459, and 13564.
Don't let background tabs add or remove the status bar.
Fix delete key in history/bookmarks
Fix problem with certain javascript bookmarklets (with unescaped %'s in the url)
Work around bug where hiding and showing the toolbar on the start page caused scroll bars to appear.
Add custom code so we can display the number of days left in the demo on the unlicensed start page
Moved expiration date to Friday, May 19, 2006
Some improvements to status text and a regression
When we get an error, set task's status to the error reason
Aborting a page load now immediately removes the "Loading xxx..." status
Unfortunately, there is now a bug that loading the page doesn't show any loading indications in the browser until the server responds to us
The Network Activity window should update right away.

Complete release notes available here

Feel free to send us support mail but please keep in mind that we give priority to released versions of OmniWeb over the sneaky peeks. You might want to ask your question here in the forums first.
„Wenn ich groß bin, geh ich auch auf die Büffel-Universität! (Ralph Wiggum)“
Ok, danke, hat geklappt.
Deswegen habe ich ja auch geschrieben, dass man sich im Forum anmelden soll. Dann kann jeder den Text lesen. Ist aber kein NDA, zumindest habe ich nix davon gelesen. Die Passphrase darf man auch am Telefon oder im Café aussprechen, glaube ich
„Wenn ich groß bin, geh ich auch auf die Büffel-Universität! (Ralph Wiggum)“
Seit Sneaky peak 10 macht sich bei mir beim Öffnen von Omniweb immer ein Werbefenster auf. Ich weiß nicht wo das herkommt. Hat jemand die gleiche Erfahrung gemacht?
Hab's gefunden. Der Popup Blocker von Omniweb hat bei "logicuser.de" versagt!
Die Seite scheint nicht mehr erreichbar zu sein .....
Oder geht das nur bei mir nicht ?

Ist Omniweb nun mittlerweile auch wieder als deutsche Version erhältlich ?
mensch, der is immer schneller als ich

endlich funzt das mit den tabs wieder richtig
mit  + click usw.


hättest du so weit ich weiß eigentlich nicht posten dürfen.
Man muss sich eigentlich fürs forum anmelden damit man es ladn darf.



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