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Forum>Software>Path Finder 5.1.4

Path Finder 5.1.4


Kleiner Sprung bei der Versionsnummer, aber trotzdem ziemlich viele Änderungen:

1. Desktop and icon view have grid adjustment slider.
2. Fixed a bug on the desktop where the selection would not restore properly.
3. Fixed some minor memory leaks.
4. New tab design similar to Safari 4.
5. Fixed sort by size bug.
6. Fixed menu short cut setting bugs.
7. Saving PDF preview settings so they don't revert back for every file.
8. Updated German, Dutch, and French localizations.
9. Fixed tab key in column view.
10. Added tab key shortcut while renaming to rename next file in list.
11. Clicking mouse button 3 on a folder will create a new tab.
12. Fixed a problem with groups and user names starting with underscore.
13. Slideshow now finds images in a thread to avoid beachball on large folders.
14. Fixed behavior of left arrow in list view. Now selects parent if selection in expanded folder.
15. Fixed updating the sidebar when the computer is renamed.
16. New Finder submenu in Path Finder menu in the menu bar which lets you enable the "Remove from Dock", and an item that lets you hide the Finder's desktop.
17. Now auto-expanding collapsed sections of the sidebar on drag and drop.
18. Added "Add to Drop Stack" menu item in the File menu.
19. Fixed a bug in movie and animated gif preview.
20. Fixed a bug where saving a file on the desktop would change it's position.
21. Lots of internal changes getting ready for 64 bit.
22. Fixed a bug in setting a custom icon in Get Info.
23. New version of class-dump included.
24. Fixed process shelf contextual menu bugs.
25. Back and Forward buttons now select previous directory if possible.
26. Enter key now is same as return key in Application Launcher.
27. Sharing screens UI now matches the Finder.
28. Fixed preflight scan issue with copying volumes.
29. Added 3 finger swipe gesture to go back and forward.
30. Fixed issues with Back to my Mac.
31. Added Recent Applications to Processes module.
32. Cmd-Up Arrow for going to the parent directory now selects previous folder.
33. Shared section of sidebar now displays any local WebDAV volumes.
34. Preview now support .docx format.
35. More improvements to Menu Key Editor. Arrow keys now work.
36. Renaming a folder now updates the tab bar if needed.
37. New setting to set Path Finder's desktop window level to match the Finder.
38. Spotlight searching works better.


na, ich hoffe, PF stürzt nun nicht dauernd ab. war ja ein Grund, warum ich ihn letzen öfters nicht eingschaltet habe. Obwohl, das Programm ist grenzgenial und eine wensentliche Bereicherung.
„Muss ich denn alles selber machen?“


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