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Forum>Software>Adium 1.1 released

Adium 1.1 released

So, jetzt will ich auch mal Klugscheißer spielen, und laut schreien:
Und wieso gibts da immernoch keine News zu??



Note: Adium now requires Mac OS X 10.4.0 or later.

für alle, die wie mein Bruder noch ein uralt-OS haben
was sind so die besten neuen features ?
Changes in Adium X 1.1

Version 1.1 (8/12/2007) SVN revision: [20566]
Note: Adium now requires Mac OS X 10.4.0 or later.

Summer of Code 2006 Changes

Rewritten tabs using PSMTabBarControl (Kent Sutherland, mentored by David Smith)
Tabs can now be oriented vertically or horizontally (#3372)
Tabs handle overflow better, by showing a “chevron” (») pop-up menu (#12)
Improved drag & drop behavior with tabs (#2555)
Improved tab length calculation (#6775)
Tabs can display the number of unread messages
Contact List

Horizontal autosizing of the contact list is now more accurate (#6618)
Added an animated transition for contact list sorting (#5633)
Hi, LH.

StatusItem can now be customized via .AdiumMenuBarIcons AdiumXtras (#7237)
Improved Adiumy emoticon text equivalents (#6327)
Custom menu bar icons are now preserved when upgrading to a new version of Adium (#6972)
Multi-state menu bar icon options (#4905)
Detailed menu bar status is now optional via menu bar xtras (#4532)
Added a %messageClasses% keyword to message view styles?, allowing greatly improved CSS selector targetting
User Interface

Automatically remember buddy list positioning when plugging in external monitors (#5583)
The menu bar icon now updates with a badge when a custom available message is selected (#4924)
Added a "Show Contact List" item to StatusItem (#772)
Corrected a slight visual misalignment in StatusItem (#4419)
Added a separator line underneath "All" in transcript viewer (#5129)
Toolbar button to send nudge/buzz (notification) (#6635)
Added events for nudge/buzz (notification)
Clarified UI to show that logging needs to be on for message history to work (#6682)
Move Accounts to the left of the prefs window (#6190)
File Transfer

Fixed resolving of aliases for file transfers (#6601)
Chat Transcripts

Usernames are now shown in the chat transcript viewer (#6760, #6866)

There is no longer an invisible window when Exposé is active and the contact list is offscreen (#6397)
Adium now handles disconnecting when AirPort is turned off more gracefully (#6466)
Improved determination of network availability when waking from sleep (#5678)
Added an iChat importer (#6698)
Improved display of idle times when somebody is really, really idle (#1347)
The time zone now updates while Adium is running (#5383)
Group chats no longer attempt to send files dropped on the message text field (#7133)
Drag & drop of .textClipping files is now handled properly (#6929)
When responding to an authorization request, adding the contact to your contact list now uses the correct account (#6977)
Updated sound playing to be more likely to work on future versions of Mac OS X (#5636)
Added grace period following closing of message window during which a new autoreply will not be sent if they message you again (#4849)
The cursor now reappears when sending a message, as well as when moving the mouse (#5651)
Attempting to delete multiple saved statuses at once only deletes one (#6608)
Appearance preferences now include MenuBarIcons (#6335)
When Adium is run from the installation disk image, we now offer to install it. Thanks to Google for donating the code for this feature.
Updated to libpurple 2.1.0

Dock icon (.AdiumIcon) Xtras now work correctly with case-sensitive HFS+ (#176)
Performance and Memory

Fixed leaks in outgoing messages in DirectConnect chats (#6982)
Temporary files are now deleted sooner than in 1.0.x (for example, when closing a chat) (#6732)
Removed all remaining calls to QuickDraw APIs, improving performance (#5770)
Improved smoothness of ContactList hiding animation in the Regular Window style (#6396)
Service-specific Updates

Oscar (AIM, ICQ and .Mac)

Corrected handling of different inline images with the same name (#5493)
Support embedded iTunes link when using the iTunes status on AIM (#3152)
DirectConnect requests are now automatically accepted for contacts on your contact list (#700, #5934)
Improved display of the error message when attempting to send a message that's too large for AIM (#6469)
Fixed login with AIM for certain screennames which were previously AOL names (#2013)
Fixed the "Unable to format screen name" error on ICQ (#6533)
Jabber (includes Google Talk and LiveJournal Talk)

Added (some) support for xmpp: URIs (#6541)
Fixed a crash when retrieving a user icon over XMPP (Jabber) (#7240)
Quit yo Jibba Jabba
Corrected client information (#7256)

Bonjour contacts are no longer marked as online after signing off (#5992)

Added support for right-to-left messages (#5431)
„Nimm das Leben nicht zu ernst, du kommst da eh nicht lebend raus...“
zusammengefasst: nix weiter weltbewegendes.
„MBP M1 256/16 Monterey 12.1 . iPhone 11 128 GB, iOs 15.2“


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