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Forum>Apple>Modularer Mac Pro kommt 2019

Modularer Mac Pro kommt 2019

Apple will offener kommunizieren...

Genau den Ansatz brauchen wir. Die scheinen endlich zu verstehen.
“These aren’t necessarily always fundamental performance issues,” notes Ternus. “These aren’t things that you’d find in a benchmark or an automated test flow. You know we have examples where we find something like it’s…a window that a 3D animator uses frequently to make some fine fine tweaks. The windows are not super graphically intensive in terms of processing and stewing but we have found an issue where that window was taking like 6 to 10 seconds to open and they’re doing that 100 times a day, right? Like ‘I can’t work on a machine like this, It’s too slow’ so we dig in and we figure out what it was.

“In that case we found something in the graphics driver was not right, and once you know where to look and you fix it, it completely changes the kind of live-on-ability for that system — the productivity for that user completely changed.”

This kind of workflow analysis has enabled Apple to find and fix problems that won’t be solved by throwing more hardware at them. An in-depth analysis of how workflow is affected by the whole stack of hardware and software has, Ternus says, helped them to really understand the pain points. He stresses that it’s not just Apple’s applications that they’re testing and working to help make better. Third-party relationships on this are very important to them and the workflow team is helping to fix their problems faster too.

“We’ve gone from just you know engineering Macs and software to actually engineering a workflow and really understanding from soup to nuts, every single stage of the process, where those bottlenecks are, where we can optimize that,” says Boger. “And to JT’s point because we build the hardware the firmware the operating system the software and have these close relationships with third parties we can attack the entire stack and we can really ferret out where we are we can optimize for performance.”

Workflowanalyse... Endlich. Zusammenarbeit Software und Hardware. Genau!!. Das ist jetzt mal ein Aufsteller.
The windows are not super graphically intensive in terms of processing and stewing but we have found an issue where that window was taking like 6 to 10 seconds to open and they’re doing that 100 times a day, right? Like ‘I can’t work on a machine like this, It’s too slow’ so we dig in and we figure out what it was.

“In that case we found something in the graphics driver was not right, and once you know where to look and you fix it, it completely changes the kind of live-on-ability for that system — the productivity for that user completely changed.”

This kind of workflow analysis has enabled Apple to find and fix problems that won’t be solved by throwing more hardware at them.


Diese Aussage finde ich ganz wichtig:

This kind of workflow analysis has enabled Apple to find and fix problems that won’t be solved by throwing more hardware at them.
Mir wäre vor allem wichtig, sie würden die Optionen mehr als eine Grafikkarte und mehr als ein Prozessor, dem Kunden bei der Konfiguration überlassen und neben den zur Zeit favorisierten AMD Grafikkarten auch die von Nvidia anbieten. Adobe Software geht ja noch mit AMD (wenn auch langsamer) aber die ganzen KI frameworks haben meistens nur Nvidia Unterstützung.
Das wird dann bestimmt eine Kiste geben, wahlweise in verschiedenen Farben und Größen, und der Käufer darf sich dann aussuchen, ob er einen Intel-Prozessor mag oder einen von ARM, eine Auswahl an Graphikkarten wird auch von den beiden Herstellern angeboten. Dann braucht der Pro-User nur noch ein Motherboard, RAM und ein Netzeil. Und schon ist er fertig, der modulare Mac Pro!

Genau und parallel wird der Server eingestellt bzw. kastriert!


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