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Forum>Software>Microsoft Messenger 7.0 - Bugreport

Microsoft Messenger 7.0 - Bugreport

Hey Leute!

Die schrieb ich gerade ins "Contact us"-Feld bei der MacBU:
Dear developers,

I encountered some significant bugs in Messenger 7:
I am running a German version of Mac OS X 10.5.3

First, Messenger does not create the "Microsoft User Data" folder inside the User's "Documents"-folder if it does not exist already. This leads to problems like you get no buddy picture, no chat history, no custom emoticons. In one word: Problems with everything that would be stored inside the !Microsoft User Data"-folder.

The following bugs are interface bugs concerning the German localization:

- If you click on your buddy picture at the top of the buddy list in order to set your status, there are two entries for "Mittagspause", which equals "Out to Lunch" in English, whereas one of them should actually be named "Am Telefon", which equals "In a Call" in English, and there is one entry named "<separator>", which should actually rerpresent the "Appear Offline"-status.

- Last translation bug I found is when you right click a contact, you get a "Zulassen"-entry above the "Kontakt löschen"-entry, which should actually be the new "Add a nickname"-entry. "Zulassen" means "Unblock" in English!
But the "Block"/"Unblock"-entry is already placed beneath the "Delete contact"-entry.

Hope you can fix that! I think this is pretty much for a final release...not very satisfying...

Falls Euch auch noch Fehler auffallen, schreibt doch einfach davon!


Ja, der tolle Messenger für Mac von M$, bei dem ich das Gefühl habe er wird von Version zu Version schlechter. Ich habe das Problem mit dem fehlenden "Microsoft User Data" Ordner auch und somit keine Anzeigebilder.


Diese Diskussion ist bereits mehr als 3 Monate alt und kann daher nicht mehr kommentiert werden.